Episode 016

The Intrapreneur Every Entrepreneur Needs with Emily Smith

Show Notes

Emily Smith

For more than 8 years, Emily Smith has helped build Wemert Group Realty, an 80-person independent teamerage in which "team" is as much a culture and set of commitments as it is a business model.
Though Emily’s held just two titles, Marketing Director and COO, she's served in many roles and initiated many projects.
By watching or listening, you’ll develop a picture that a) you need an intrapreneur in your growing company and b) that person may already be a team member.

Watch or listen for Emily’s insight into:

- The importance of being solution-based and how to find this quality in the hiring process
- How she transitioned from her own entrepreneurial journey into a real estate team
- Her path from Marketing Director to Chief Operating Officer at Wemert Group Realty
- How to find your team’s COO through the “hole plugging” method and other names the role might go by
- How to prioritize the operational improvements your business needs (no matter your size or structure)
- A simple habit to accelerate the growth of your assistant(s)
- Why their team is more than a business model and what agents are opting into when they join their teamerage
- Two reasons why recruiting ISN’T a top priority for Wemert Group Realty
- A fundamental, self-reflective decision that most team leaders will face
- The one question that helps you and every team member run a more successful business (and how Emily answers that question herself)
- Why every entrepreneur needs an intrapreneur and tips to build the relationship, share the successes, and manage the vision from both sides
At the end, Emily shares her appreciation for the OpsBoss community, her not-so-frivolous throw pillow obsession, and her pursuit of the expert.

Watch this episode with Emily:

Listen to this episode with Emily:

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